The pie eating contest held Friday drew six competitors and sponsors agreed at the last minute to add more prize money for a youth category. R.J. Baker polished off his cherry pie just ahead of the second place finisher to win his division, and Maddix Kendrick, age 6, ate the most of his pie in the time allowed to beat out two other entrants.
Another new contest held Friday measured the decibel level put off by the bikes and resulted in the crowning of a King and Queen of Pipes. Destin Morrison of Timbo won the King of Pipes title after his bike registered 122.7 decibels. Amanda Casad of Bismarck won Queen of Pipes with a reading of 121.
Incidentally, they were the only two competitors to best the level registered by chainsaw carver “Termite” Head who stepped up and asked that his chainsaw roar be measured. He and other carvers demonstrated on Howard Avenue both Friday and Saturday.
Mountain View Cruizers held the annual car show with about 40 vehicles entered in competition and many more on display by club members. The People’s Choice trophy went to a 1958 Chevy Impala entered by Bruce and Joanne Hamm.
On Saturday, Jared Smith of Pangburn put the burn on four other competitors in the pepper eating contest He lasted the longest in five rounds of increasingly hot peppers to win the advertised prize money. When emcee Bob Connell suggested he finish all eight peppers Smith declined until the audience offered a cash pot if he would complete the series. Money kept rolling in as he pushed through the final three of the spiciest offerings.The weekend also included biker games, a beard contest, cornhole tournament, poker runs, and live music. Activities closed out with a biker breakfast and church service on Sunday morning.
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