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How do I submit wedding announcement information?

You may e-mail information to leader@yelcot.net and attach a photo if desired. Photos may be color and must be a suitable size and resolution for reproduction. There are more guidelines on the Policies Page.

How do I subscribe to the newspaper?

Purchasing a subscription to the Leader is easier than ever. You may send a check to P.O. Box 509, Mountain View, AR 72560 or sign up electronically through this site. Visit our subscription page to see options for 3-month, 6-month, 1-year and online-only subscriptions.

Why does my newspaper come so late in the mail?

We mail our newspapers each week at the same time, taking the entire mailing to the post office on Tuesday mornings (which is the day before the official publication date). When we deliver the newspapers to the post office, they are already labeled and in mail sacks that are addressed to the proper post office or sorting facility. In some cases, we deliver a mail sack to an outlying post office ourselves so that it will not have to be routed through another town first. We have no control over what happens after that, but we will be happy to double-check your address and make sure we have the correct information. For missed deliveries, we can file a “publication watch” through the post office and sometimes that helps. Unfortunately, that is the extent of our options and we suggest you contact your post office.

What do ads cost?

There are several different options for advertising. Classified ads are 15 cents per word with a $3 minimum. Subscribers are offered free classified ads (20 words) for non-commercial use. The cost of display ads is determined by the space required, and there are rates that offer frequency and non-profit discounts.

Can you take credit card payments?

Yes, we can now process credit card payments.

How do I submit a photograph?

You may submit photographs either in print form or through e-mail. Prints may be color prints. Photos may be e-mailed to leader@yelcot.net along with complete information about the photo. The preferred format is Jpeg at 200 dpi, though 72 dpi can be accepted if the size is sufficient.

Will the Leader cover my event?

Our staff is limited in how many events we can cover in person, but please let us know what you have scheduled. We welcome event sponsors and families to submit photos and information about their activities. Photos that show action are preferred over posed group shots, even if everyone involved cannot be in the photo. In cases where we cannot cover events, we will still write the article if someone will submit the information.