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We will not knowingly publish any news item or advertisement which has the intent to harm or embarrass someone.

Weddings/Engagements – Engagement announcements will be accepted up to six months before the wedding date. Post-wedding articles must be submitted within eight weeks of the wedding. Photos may be color and must be a suitable size and resolution for reproduction. For instance, if the photo is 72dpi, it must be at least 8 inches wide. 200 dpi is the preferred setting, and photos may be four inches wide at that resolution. If you need assistance writing your announcement, contact us at 870-269-3841. We reserve the right to edit submitted material to meet space limitations. Information and photos may be e-mailed to leader@yelcot.net. A phone number must be provided in case there are questions.

Birth announcements – Birth announcements must be submitted in writing within eight weeks of the birth. Contact information for the mother must be provided in case of questions. If a photo is desired, the announcement must be placed as a paid advertisement. Cost is based on space required.

Obituaries – Obituaries are generally submitted by a funeral home and are printed by the Leader at no charge. For free publication, the deceased must have been born, died and/or be buried in Stone County, have survivors who are local residents, or have been a local resident at some point. This connection should be noted in the obituary. Families may write and submit obituaries if they choose, but in cases of conflicting versions, the person closest in kin will have the right to determine which information is published. We reserve the right to edit obituaries to conform to standard format. Photos are included at no charge as space allows. Photos must be fairly recent.

Memorials – Memorials must be placed as paid advertisements. Cost is based on the space required.

Letters to the editor – Letters may be submitted on paper or by e-mail and contain the author’s name, as well as a telephone number and address for verification. Letters will not be published anonymously. Comments regarding published articles, or opinions on topics of current interest are welcomed. Letters concerning political issues are acceptable, but letters may not be used simply to endorse or condemn a particular candidate. Priority will be given to letters that are the most clear, concise and are submitted exclusively to the Leader. All letters are subject to editing for clarity or to prevent libel. Letters should be fewer than 400 words.

Political announcements – During election years, announcements that candidates are running for office will be accepted as news announcements prior to the filing period and until the filing period ends. At that time, a complete list of all candidates for office will be printed and no further free announcements will be published.