As was (and is) the case with many hardworking families in rural America, a big part of my ancestry comes from Ireland, and from the UK - not people of distinction, mind you. Just hardworking folks who came to the US looking for new opportunities, and the chance to fulfill some dreams. It is the essence of America, I believe. This welcoming national spirit on which our country was founded.
By Steve Watkins
It happens every year at the end of basketball season – a painful empathy for players as their seasons come to a close.
By Lori Freeze
One of the things an outsider coming into Mountain View learns quickly is that music is serious business around here. There are especially strong opinions about the purest forms of music that define folk culture.
By Steve Watkins
It’s early March, a hint of spring is here and a time I look forward to….high school basketball state tournament.
Schools and their sports teams have had a challenging school year trying to keep healthy in a pandemic. Many fans, like me, are grateful to be able to watch games on YouTube or other socially distanced platforms. Yet it’s still not quite the same as seeing your friends, family, and neighbors all together supporting the local team.
By Renee Carr
I couldn’t have been more than 7 years old when I noticed that spring season that my parents had a few seeds left over from their garden-planting that April. I asked if I could have the spare seeds, and they were glad to oblige, I’m sure, wondering what a 7-year-old would ever want with seeds for squash, cucumber, purple hull peas, and lettuce. Heck, at that age, I didn’t even really like any of those things.
By Steve Watkins
This week, just a few thoughts and observations, and a project particularly where I could use your feedback.
By Steve Watkins
We’ve taken one of the most beautiful things in all of commerce, and like most other successful initiatives, turned it into a cookie-cutter enterprise stamping it into existence at the edge every small town across the South.
Oh, how I miss the old-style, mom-and-pop general store.
By Steve Watkins
There’s a funny nameplate on my desk that reads: “I’m kind of a big deal.”
But the truth is, down deep, I’ve never been that much about self.
Not that it’s some admirable attribute of a sweetheart of a guy. I’m a live-how-you-feel kind of guy who doesn’t hide his emotions well, but ideas like self-love and self-care just never lined up with my personality.
By Steve Watkins
It’s hard to overstate the significance of an issue now before the Stone County Quorum Court that at least one justice calls “contentious.”
While alcohol sales and wet-dry issues across the state are, indeed, historically contentious, they carry significance well beyond the moral dilemma most frequently debated.
By Steve Watkins
It looked like a duck. It quacked like a duck. But it wasn’t a duck.
Winter is the best season.
Convince me I’m wrong.
By Steve Watkins