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Elvis Leaves The Building


Gary Dickeson of Texas is assisted by Brent Matthis of Mountain View in removing the Elvis statue from Rainbow Antique Mall.


After greeting customers in the vestibule at Rainbow Antique Mall of the past four years, Elvis has left the building.

The life-sized Elvis Presley statue caught the attention of Julie Dickeson when she visited her sister in Mountain View. After Julie became involved with the Gaston Museum in Joinerville, Texas, she realized what a good fit he would be for a site that preserves history of an oil boom school where Elvis performed in 1955. She convinced owners Daryl and Connie Darden to sell.

“It’s been so much fun having Elvis at the Rainbow Mall,” Connie said.

“Visitors have really enjoyed taking their picture with him. I have always loved Elvis, but this time it just felt right to let him go. We’re gonna miss him being here to greet us every day but I’m certain Elvis fans will enjoy seeing him in his new home Daryl and I are already planning a trip to Texas to visit him!”

Prior to the Elvis statue, a large bear cast of metal had been the greeter for the business.


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