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Elma Wilson of Timbo celebrated her 95th birthday Jan. 23. She celebrated at her home with her two sisters and brother and other close family. Instead of a traditional party, family and friends gave her a birthday parade, riding through the yard holding signs, with horns honking, and a siren blaring. more
Bernice Beckham of Mountain View has experienced a lot in her 95 years. Born in 1926, she attended a one-room school in Happy Hollow before moving to Mountain View, where she graduated in 1944 after … more
Rachel Reynolds has learned to let intuition be her guide. She moved to Mountain View when she was 9, and spent lots of her spare time hanging out with crafters and musicians in the town square … more
Many local residents have lamented the prevalence of negativity in interactions recently, so the Leader requested some examples of positive things resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Ronda … more
Gary Dickeson of Texas is assisted by Brent Matthis of Mountain View in removing the Elvis statue from Rainbow Antique Mall.   After greeting customers in the vestibule at Rainbow … more
“Just trust in the Lord and work hard every day.” This is the advice for a long life offered by Leonard Glenn, a Stone County native who celebrated his 94th birthday this month. He also reports … more
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